Again this shitty "war" with drug trafficking in the newspapers. In real life this war of northern cartel with the others, who put its president in the reins of the country. Think that I'm making this up? And why is no mention in the newspapers about the north? All the "Southern shot patrol car, "was found several kilos of grass from the west, and so on. ... And in general in the Mexican army is quite big but it is used only for internal conflicts. There were only 2 exceptions ... The conflict with France and the conflict with the United States. Both prosrali. France itself had gone in connection with the disadvantage and the U.S. gave the Mexicans of Texas and ... Калифорнию, по моему. ---
Again these petty articles of war against narco-traffic. I think it's really not that Calderon is a super hero who fights crime organizer of Mexico, but simply is being supported by a poster for the purpose of eliminating competition. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this is what is really happening here.
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