1. ¿Qué hora es?: 19:52
2.Nombre Completo: Marta LR
3. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?: 12/05
4.Signo Zodiac: Taurus
5. Years: 14
6. Tattoos: None
7. Were (they) love: I'm not
xro 8. In person: to you I'll say ... xDDDD
9. You've been on another continent: mmm ... no
10. Loved someone so much as to mourn: sip
11. Were you in a car accident?: Fortunately
12. Have you ever broken something?: Yes, a finger and arm
13. Sausages or Burgers: Burgers =)
14. Pepsi or Coke: Coke muxo aunk not notice the difference ...
15. Beer or wine: none, both fatal know me =]
16. The glass half full or half empty: half full
17. Favorite color underwear: black and white
18. Shoe size: 39/40
19. Favorite Number: 2
20. Superstitious: Sometimes
21. Type of music: Son of Dork, Mcfly, Iguana Tango, Jesse McCartney, Dino Jelusic, Bustamante, Busted, Belinda, 3 +2 ...
23. Flower (s): pink
.24. Talking most detested: mmm .... xDD few
25. Favorite theme park?: The warner xDDD
26. Fast Food Restaurant: Burger! xD
27. When was your last visit to the hospital in April
28. Your favorite color: blue
29. How do you see yourself in ten years: Living in London
xDD 30. A shameful scret: if shameful ... remain so =)
31. Who of your friends live farther away, unfortunately I think many ... aunk q ^ ^ my candle Argentina
(these I break, referring to e-mail xD)
36. Amigos (as) special: Akella q are always with me, you do not name them:)
37. You would change your life: a few things ...
38. Who do you admire?: My mother (yes, I know, very original, but true)
39. Favorite CDs: Ace of Hearts - Raul (who? cool! xD), Beautiful Soul - Jesse McCartney, A present for everyone - Busted.
40. Best feeling: Love and q know you have nothing to worry
q 41. The first thing you think when you wake up: god! so soon? please no ... a little more!
42. Storms like you or scare you: I like and I'm scared =)
43. If you could be someone who is: No, I like being myself
44. Something you have always made: Bracelets q
give me 45. What's on the walls of your room: Posters xDDDD
(other 5 q me jump)
51. What you say to someone and do not dare, nothing, I have q = q say what I say)
52. What is your favorite food: mmm ... chocolate! xDD jiji
basket 54. Shy or outgoing: shy, when I take confidence I can be very outgoing xDDDDD
55. Your nickname: Tuky, crazy, crazy xDD, coconuts and eat-obsessed:)
56. You like that you give away: everything! as a gift I love =] xDD
57. You do not like about yourself: I'm too trusting
58. I love to read: I love it!
59. Speak any language: English, English, French, Croatian and a little xD
61. Beach or mountains: Beach! aunk m like both
xDD 62. What is the difference: the overall atmosphere ... (I understand xD)
63. Collect anything: Yes, cinema tickets and concert
64. You have any phobias: a few
xDDD 65. Your favorite TV program: junior eurovision xDDDDDDD
66. Hot or cold: Neither:)
68. Send a message to all your friends, you qiero! (Wow! alive the originality! XD)
69: Current Time: 20:07
Monday, August 7, 2006
Friday, August 4, 2006
Restaurant Around Silvercity
test and little things .... xD
Awake with the sun shining but I want to die
life and
worthless since I lost you
And though I lost you, I love
And do not hold grudges
that it would serve if I only feel love
a hopeless love
I lived only in dreams
and one morning I woke up and I felt
was afraid
love is so difficult and yet, I Love
---------------- Last night I dreamed you,
was a fairy dream
you were my prince charming, I
your enchanted princess. You kiss my lips
I stroked your hair,
but when I woke up and saw that I needed
wanted to sleep again but the sun would not let me
------------------ It makes my heart smile
where your mouth because you're the reason
that this so crazy.
a day to my heart, I wonder if you might forget you, and smiling said:
not the impossible dream is not bigger deals that most, if not the most vacuum left when you go .. . -----------------------------------
that love can not make the world go round, but I must admit that makes the trip worthwhile. -----------------------------------
A word is forgotten, a tear goes, a kiss erased, but your memory will never be
Yesterday night I had a dream that filled me with excitement: I dreamed I would kiss you, and you, in return, the heart.
Good friends are not what make you laugh with falsehoods, if not mourn with the truth. -----------------------------------
feel if when I'm next to you I have the
image in the mind,
other person I had that
opened within me a feeling.
I also feel that you can not
love the way I wanted,
though he only offered me a happy day
and hundreds of sad.
I feel if my heart can not feel for you
as before,
but he was my first love and still want without
is in my blood.
was a very strong
what my heart for that person felt,
to the point that when I left her alone
wanted to lose his life.
And I do not regret having loved
thus loved,
but I regret that my soul
that passion may not want.
feel if it's something that hurts you
and if it's something you do not want to hear,
and although I love you and are very
importantly, the heart does not think the same.
Awake with the sun shining but I want to die
life and
worthless since I lost you
And though I lost you, I love
And do not hold grudges
that it would serve if I only feel love
a hopeless love
I lived only in dreams
and one morning I woke up and I felt
was afraid
love is so difficult and yet, I Love
---------------- Last night I dreamed you,
was a fairy dream
you were my prince charming, I
your enchanted princess. You kiss my lips
I stroked your hair,
but when I woke up and saw that I needed
wanted to sleep again but the sun would not let me
------------------ It makes my heart smile
where your mouth because you're the reason
that this so crazy.
a day to my heart, I wonder if you might forget you, and smiling said:
not the impossible dream is not bigger deals that most, if not the most vacuum left when you go .. . -----------------------------------
that love can not make the world go round, but I must admit that makes the trip worthwhile. -----------------------------------
A word is forgotten, a tear goes, a kiss erased, but your memory will never be
Yesterday night I had a dream that filled me with excitement: I dreamed I would kiss you, and you, in return, the heart.
Good friends are not what make you laugh with falsehoods, if not mourn with the truth. -----------------------------------
feel if when I'm next to you I have the
image in the mind,
other person I had that
opened within me a feeling.
I also feel that you can not
love the way I wanted,
though he only offered me a happy day
and hundreds of sad.
I feel if my heart can not feel for you
as before,
but he was my first love and still want without
is in my blood.
was a very strong
what my heart for that person felt,
to the point that when I left her alone
wanted to lose his life.
And I do not regret having loved
thus loved,
but I regret that my soul
that passion may not want.
feel if it's something that hurts you
and if it's something you do not want to hear,
and although I love you and are very
importantly, the heart does not think the same.
Friday, July 7, 2006
Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo And Cheat Land
I was bored, and enter a website had been busted in a game q q d these make you your own story ... and weno, me ha salido esto:
[I]Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
Jerry: Tonight on the Jerry Springer show we have a particularly interesting episode! Marta is here to finally confess something to a long-time friend of her's, Cintia. So everyone please put your hands together for Marta! Okay, now Marta, you're here to talk about someone, aren't you?
You: Yes.
Jerry: And what is this other persons name?
You: James.
The crowd cheer.
Jerry: Okay, okay, well James, is actually here tonight -
The crowd SQUEALS with delight.
Jerry: But first we have a surprise for you Marta, because as it happens there is someone else here to see YOU! So let's bring out... Carmen!
You: What the HELL!!!
Out of nowhere you pull out a gum. Carmen reaches for the table. Out of the shadows Matt appears.
Matt: Wait everybody wait!
Jerry: Yes, everybody.. let's just calm down for a moment here. First tell us why you're here, Carmen.
Carmen: Because I saw Marta and Matt making out at park!
The crowd goes absolutely INSANE.
Matt: That's a lie! I was home watching Eurojunior!
Jerry: (raising his hands) Hold on, hold on, I'm missing the problem here...what exactly IS the problem, Carmen?
Carmen: Because I've recently been taking part in a sexual relationship with Cintia, who is now engaged to Matt.
The crowd hollers, screams and whoops in an orchestra of orgasmic excitement.
Jerry: Okay, okay. Well why don't we bring Cintia out here because Marta had something that they needed to tell them anyway about.. James, that's right!
Cintia: (enters onto stage and saunters over towards you) What's the deal? I saw you outside getting it on with James! You know how I feel about James!.
Matt: WHAT?!?!!? Why the hell did you ask me to marry you if you're in love with James?!
Cintia: Because I knew that I could never have James. But Marta promised me that they'd never hook up out of respect for my feelings!
Matt: Well what about respect for MY feelings?!?
Carmen walks suddenly across the stage, embracing Cintia.
Carmen: Don't worry baby, you don't need any of them now that you have me.
Again the crowd SQUEALS.
Matt: Oh my God! Are you SICK!
Matt runs across the room and wraps their arms around you tightly.
Matt: Marta, take me away from all of this!
You: You see.. that's the thing. I'm.. well.. I'm, uh, married..
The crowd does its bit.
Matt: Married?
You nod.
Matt: Who the hell are you married to?! When.. when did this happen? I don't understand!
You: The other day. In Scotland. I'm married to James.
Cintia: WHAT!?!!??!
Jerry: (grinning widely) So.. did you have a nice wedding night?
James: (stepping back out onto center stage) Well we had sex 2 times if that's what you mean.
The crowd screams.
Jerry: Okay, okay. So let me get this all straight.. Marta is married to James who Cintia has secretly been in love with for years and years. Now Cintia has recently become engaged to Matt who was recently spotted kissing Marta in the park. Now on top of this Carmen has just admitted to being in a sexual relationship with Cintia.
James: That's right Jerry.
Jerry: (looking sternly into the camera) It is times like these that one has to wonder, whether or not these people are aware that they are quite clinically insane. Perhaps we should be spending more on psychiatric health funds in this country, Perhaps We Should just ban Vegas to cut down on impulse Marriage. Perhaps I Should get a new job. Thanks for watching folks, It's Been Great, But for now .. it's goodnight.
Cue cheesy background music and fade to black.
[/ I]
One of these days .... translate it will be q now I feel like I put
xDDDD Cintia Carmen and xq are the 2 Unika prsonas basik q q I know they like, they do not know aunk each other ... (do not kill me eh? xD)
If yours kereis --->
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Monday, July 3, 2006
Light Bulbs In Manhattan
Danny & James
Video Danny & James, McFly and Busted (when it was) respectivamente,
buenisimo, q yo misma subi (bajado del e-mule xDDDD)
Video Danny & James, McFly and Busted (when it was) respectivamente,
buenisimo, q yo misma subi (bajado del e-mule xDDDD)
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Pitchures Of Cancker S
crazy_loky3m @ 2006-07-01T23: 48:00
Acabo de encontrar el que sera el primer single del nuevo disco de Jesse
McCartney <33 se llama "Right Where You Want Me" aki la letra:
there's something 'bout me that you oughta know
i've never felt the need to lose control
always heading back to play it slow
but not this time.
baby don't be gentle, i can handle anything.
baby, take me on a journey.
i've been thinking lately.
i can use a little time alone with you.
crazy, let's do something maybe.
please don't take your time.
you got me right where you want me.
i'm gonna let you have your way with me.
but the way you move like that, it's hard to breathe.
i never thought that it could be like this.
but i was wrong.
baby don't be gentle, i can handle anything.
baby, take me on a journey.
i've been thinking lately.
i can use a little time alone with you.
crazy, let's do something maybe.
please don't take your time.
you got me right where you want me.
can't explain it,
how you swept me off my feet,
in slow motion my imaginations running,
tryin to keep my body still.
i cant hardly stand the thrill.
baby don't be gentle, i can handle anything.
baby, take me on a journey.
i've been thinking lately.
i can use a little time alone with you.
crazy, let's do something maybe.
please don't take your time.
you got me right where you want me.
<img src="></img> Puff
Acabo de encontrar el que sera el primer single del nuevo disco de Jesse
McCartney <33 se llama "Right Where You Want Me" aki la letra:
there's something 'bout me that you oughta know
i've never felt the need to lose control
always heading back to play it slow
but not this time.
baby don't be gentle, i can handle anything.
baby, take me on a journey.
i've been thinking lately.
i can use a little time alone with you.
crazy, let's do something maybe.
please don't take your time.
you got me right where you want me.
i'm gonna let you have your way with me.
but the way you move like that, it's hard to breathe.
i never thought that it could be like this.
but i was wrong.
baby don't be gentle, i can handle anything.
baby, take me on a journey.
i've been thinking lately.
i can use a little time alone with you.
crazy, let's do something maybe.
please don't take your time.
you got me right where you want me.
can't explain it,
how you swept me off my feet,
in slow motion my imaginations running,
tryin to keep my body still.
i cant hardly stand the thrill.
baby don't be gentle, i can handle anything.
baby, take me on a journey.
i've been thinking lately.
i can use a little time alone with you.
crazy, let's do something maybe.
please don't take your time.
you got me right where you want me.
<img src="></img> Puff
Friday, June 30, 2006
Leupold Laser Finder 1500 M
tobacco .. I looking for a video of Dream Street, and came upon a video
an ad that I love xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD \u0026lt;--- link to q Find out how to put videos aki xD
tobacco .. I looking for a video of Dream Street, and came upon a video
an ad that I love xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD \u0026lt;--- link to q Find out how to put videos aki xD
Toddler Psychiatrist Tucson
My first entry!
Mars Well, fanslistings start putting those together ^ ^ I
\u0026lt;/ \u0026lt;DIV align=center>
Mars Well, fanslistings start putting those together ^ ^ I
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