Friday, December 31, 2010
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now looked "Tron". Delivered. Even slightly more than the original 82go ...
Vi "Tron" hoy. Esta entretenido. Me gusto mas que el original de 1982 ...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
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remembered something today's childhood friend - Serega. Cultural guy. No word mat. Maybe it's his influence, I now too little and rarely matyukayus. I remembered how we bullied, that he swore. And he's civilized and kind. Even "Suchechka" does not speak. But all the same when angry - he was the generator of brilliant curses. I still remember the "Suck my spirituality и "Что-б твои дети пылесоса боялись!". О чём я? Не знаю. Просто вдруг вспомнил хорошего человека. ---
... a childhood friend, Sergei. The guy was pure as a nun. All well mannered. I never said groceries. Not one. Perhaps that is because I do not say so now. Molestabamos in memory as we damn ball, but not a single bad word coming out of his mouth. But if we could enojarlo en final de cuentas ... Valia la pena. Ahora conozco expreciones como: "Chupa mi espiritualidad" y "Que tus hijos tengan miedo de una aspiradora!". Para que escribo todo esto? No se ... Solo recorde a una buena persona.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
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another of our users, in this case Lita Amore, let us appreciate the art ... look a tad ...
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Another of our users we can put your Fan-Fic, this time, related to Vampire Diaries, the client is called Amore Lita and gave us a brief review of the history ..
The door opened and a cute baby with her gray eyes and blond hair, picked him up and knew I would never leave him, I was happy to have someone with me after of walking so long in the shadows, without light, without any shelter. But now the light streamed into my little world, and a loving and warm coat was on my shoulders, all because I found it.
To read more, do not miss it! join us!
Team Vampire Love forum.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
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Tournament in QA he is. If a team Nuba, it does not matter how well I played, the team prosret. Knocked out most of all фрагов и сумок, а толку ноль. Просрали ...
--- ---
In CC tournament. If you encounter new to the team, no matter how good you play ... Your team will lose. Remove and bag more points than the others, but all ended up being a fiasco anyway.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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Here another Fics that are developing in the forum, the user Stefita leaves us with this, which has Tiul: "Daughter of the Mist"
A brief synopsis of the story:
had lost too much time, hoping to spread hatred in me, waiting for someone halito light flooded into my darkness and show me a better start, but had not been so, the world had banished me, had forgotten about me, my name had been buried under an empty tomb a, on which no one wept, no one poured on the pain.
If you like, do not stand not knowing what happens!
Join our forum!
Team Vampire Love forum.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
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Well good, because we have the winner of the head of Halloween, we will enjoy for a month in the forum.
design the most votes were as follows:
And its creator, Cira Kuran.
So my most sincere congratulations to her! Soon we will know the
Winning the first contest of stories on the forum, also on the occasion of Halloween;)
If you want to participate in the next do not expect Masy join our forum!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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addition info, contests, role and others, the forum also have a section only for our love of vampires develop their capacity to create stories with them.
The Eternal user, delights us with one of his stories, which he called "Night Eternal", has left us a brief introduction.
"(...) I fainted in the shadows as to a thief, or as to any person fleeing from any condition without justice. The air was long ... but far away, Marcus was waiting for me ... I could smell blood and ... . (...)"
order to continue enjoying the fic, join us!
Besos! Vampire Love
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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English Title: Creature Of The Night
GENERO: Terror
SUBJECT: Vampirism
DURATION: 115 Minutes
YEAR: 2008
IN CINEMA: 04/17/2009
ON DVD: 07/15/2009 :10-03-2010
Synopsis: Oskar is a shy boy of twelve, who lives in Blackeberg, a suburb City of Stockholm in the early 1980's. Usually suffer abuse and beatings from their classmates during the day, and though he never responds, spends his nights dreaming of revenge, feigning murders with a knife in the courtyard of her apartment block. One night he meets Eli, who has recently moved to the floor Oskar neighbor with an older man, Hakan. Eli, it looks like a twelve year old girl only comes out at night, and does not seem affected by the intense cold. Eli is a vampire, but children develop a close relacióny Eli helps Oskar cope their tormentors.
Original Title: Let Me In (Let The Right One In: Remake)
English Title: Creature Of The Night: Remake
GENERO: Terror
SUBJECT: Vampirism
COUNTRY: United States
YEAR: 2010
IN FILM: 22/10/2010
Synopsis: Abby (Chloe Moretz) is a lonely and reserved girl of twelve who moves to the floor next to Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee). Owen is a social misfit who bully at school and in his loneliness, is a deep bond with their new vecina.Sin But Owen notes that Abby is different to all persons who have known before. In addition, a string of gruesome murders take place in the city and Owen must face a reality in which his new friend and innocent aparantemente really is a ruthless vampire.
Monday, October 18, 2010
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1. Addiction.
2. Midnight Medianoche_-_Claudia_Gray.pdf.html
're a geek and love to comment about your favorite saga?, Us too!, Please read here and let your Opinió ny fun with us .... but shhh ... do not tell anyone ... jjeje
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1. Awakening: ...
2. Conflict: ...
3. Anger: ...
4. Invocation: ...
5. Damon, return: ...
're a geek and love to comment about your favorite saga?, Us too!, Pasate here and leave your opinióny fun with us .... but shhh ... do not tell anyone ... jjeje
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Enjoy the books in the series is based.
1, Dead Until Dark - Dead Until Dark
2 º Living Dead in Dallas - Living Dead in Dallas
3 rd Club Dead - Club Dead
4 º Dead to the World - Dead to the World / d/a0qstxr8b6e
5 º Dead as a Doornail - Absolutely Dead
6 º , Definitely Dead - Definitely Dead
7 th All Together Dead - All Together Dead
8 º From Dead To Worse - from dead
9 º Dead and Gone - quite dead
10 º Dead in the family "A death in the family
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're a geek and love to comment about your favorite saga?, us too!, please read here and let us have fun with your opinióny .... but shhh ... do not tell anyone ... jjeje
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" ; you have a livejournal community?
Do you have a forum dedicated to vampires?
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need to leave a message with the following information:
- link or link to your community / forum / website.
- Place in a place of some members of our buttons.
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Take my heart, if not with me I do not need.
Update 29/12/2010:
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And more!!, just visit my gallery here:
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Some eyes can only see what the heart cheers, mine, too n see what they are silent.
daily updates 29/12/2010:
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And there's more!, just visit my gallery here: -videos-f19/mis-ediciones-t47.htm]
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
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few days ago reported KLZ Events that the official headquarters of the Vampire Diaries convention in Spain, will finally BARCELONA.
BloodyNightCon Barcelona and I hope ...
BloodyNightCon Barcelona and I hope ...