Sunday, May 31, 2009

Record One Channel While Watching Another Dtv

One thing at a time

I flip.

Neither negative nor positive. Just flip.

Yesterday I was eating with the news and there was an article on the Book Fair is here in Madrid. They said the usual: a lot of people, there are many books, there are many authors ... what of all ages.

However, this time I noticed that one child commented that about nine years had written a story. Chachi, I told myself while I was dying of envy. Made a report to the happy parents, who, pleased, pointing out that her baby was a feat, which devoured all the books that fell into their hands, and said full of pride, that only six years old, the small was read the Lord of the Rings .

Here and themselves that I was dying of envy. Not the slightest.


can a child of six years to read the Lord of the Rings ?

is something that I can not explain. I guess because I am a staunch advocate that each book has its age. I also had six years. I also was one of those devouring books (and still am, proud of it). But I read the Lord of the Rings when I became bigger, because the six years is to read the Blue Series Steam Boat, Manolito books Gafotas , Coleta the Poet , Macaroni Tales and Stories in Verse Wicked Child .

I firmly believe that everyone can read what you want at the age you want, but do not think a boy of six years can understand the whole plot of Lord of the Rings , or patience to do so. My little cousin has caught nine Eragon. At the same time I gave the first of Manolito, and soon left abandoned Eragon.

Each thing has its age. I would not be who I am without Manolito without The Silver Curlew. I grew up while they did Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter. There are hundreds of books that have made me who loves reading and is capable of falling in love with Jane Austen and Stephenie Meyer to be scared of Stephen King and Joe Hill, to lose myself crazy with Terry Partchett worlds, or more serious Laura Gallego; to appreciate the theater Zorrilla, Buero Vallejo and Valle-Inclán, and irony with Christopher Moore; encogérseme the heart with the poetry of Lorca or Becquer; be unable to release the book and need to continue reading Stieg Larsson.

That's what I believe. And I firmly believe.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Brown Discharge Between Periods

About Critical groups and such. Keys to a job

Wear a season that I do is wander around to satisfy my craving to read stories about my favorite series. Since I discovered the google translator, my scope has expanded to the large mine are the fics in English.

A gold mine, gentlemen.

However, this is not what I want to talk. I got in an author page for further satisfy my curiosity and, although I usually go straight to the fics and ignore the ramblings Olympian of each, I noticed a simple phrase: "Proud member of Bad fics.

I raised my eyebrow and I said "Maika, you'll be sorry." But since I'm human, curiosity was more and went into the link. Before me opened a forum page that fought to protect the fics in the English language (Castilian, I'm afraid). As I am adamant that one can not comment unless it is documented fairly well, I went directly to the section that explained who they were, what they did and why did. In short, a group of writers and readers to comment on fics up. In theory, perform reconstructive criticism, ie comment misspellings narracióny form of the consistency. He also gave advice to the authors criticized on the revision of the text by a beta and to cast an eye to the faults.

forum I looked, and entered the critical section, where I went directly to a topic that, more than anything, it was an open confrontation between several authors who were being criticized and forum members. I took two quick conclusions: the first is that when someone insults another, his speech and can be given up and the second is that being critical is very crappy. The authors argued that there are different ways of criticism and that criticism should be constructive re not going for the jugular. Critics said that was what they were doing.

I fully understand the authors. Being criticized is awful and makes you a bad temper. But I also understand that there is criticism about the spelling errors, coherence of text and others, however, seems excessive to me to be passed that point. For example, my fic I criticized a few years ago, because my main character pertenecíaa not the series in question. It was my invention. Those who criticized me said that people wanted to read about the characters in the series and not a character that was my behalf in the series. I sent him far away, in broad strokes. Because, one thing that people are slipping, Fanfiction, at least for me, given the opportunity to get started as a writer, taking characters who already have their features developed and just put in the argument that has been created inside your head. The next step is to create their own characters and give them their own characteristics. The last step is to create a story without characters borrowed and someone posted.

The problem is that without the above steps, you can not get to the last. Because, I suppose, that the great authors would dream of creating characters rendered prior to yours.

why I say that with the criticism must go warily, because the truth is that read "have" written no "h" as that makes me itchy eyes but I also understand that there are accents and some other things that we can escape. Because Word is very dodgy and if you're not careful you change the words or accents because it makes you feel like it.

So please, if you're going to criticize, criticize Basing on certain things, not that there are characters ugly or you do not know anything. It's absurd.

Besotes ^^!!!