Welcome to a world without rules ... (C) I watched Batman. Looked at what was waiting for a whole year (or more precisely with the release of the first film). General expectation of this film is supported by the tragic circumstances. But of this I have already written. Now about the movie itself ...
beautiful, stylish, clever and damn, are gotemski, stylish. However, there is some nuances that are not entirely accurate. Well firstly sparkling novel Rachel and Harvey's "two-faced" Dent. She Tipo his loves and not the Bruce. And the roof of Dent's because of her demolished. That is such a moment, but in principle it can be understood. As well as killing Rachel. A pair of Batman is Catwoman;) Therefore the role of Rachel just becomes absurd. Moreover it is clear that just the actress to find the right style can not. In the first Katie Holmes played Rachel, and this Maggie Dzhillenhall. That's probably so they decided it was time with her "end";) therefore remains hopeful that the next part will be Batman Cat. Although and not a fact.
himself Batman. Christian Bale just super. This charming and sexy Welshman simply felling beats her smile, charm and unrealistic internal energy. I've always said that the actor is so complete that he screen is small, it seemed to go beyond it. Of course, in Batman granted him a little opportunities carousing, as in the movie a lot of special effects. But this is the essence of Batman;)
Well, the Joker .... Hit - Hit it. Sorry that did not watch the movie in the original in the internet. All the same it is better to hear the intonation of the actors. In Ledger she simply unique. So much expression, brightness, his gestures. No words. I like his Joker than Nicholson's Joker. Ledger's Joker is really crazy, obsessed. He does not live by the rules and knows no taboos and restrictions. Can not feel anything. Just crazy! Insane in all its beauty! And he's all Go Large and bitch! Wow! Akterische! Sorry that did not tell the story Joker. I think so, simply because the tragic death of Heath is not allowed to do so. They just do not have time.
Eh ... As you understand, from the movie I loved it. And once again saw that wonderful actor Ledger, whose death the next life injustice. Even cried a little.
So all I advise to watch this film. In the U.S., he breaks records. But I will say that we have many already writing a crushing criticism. Anyway, by the need to look and make your verdict. I had already made his ...